Gamesco Sun, 14 Apr 2024 21:45:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gamesco 32 32 The media should be more positive about wasps, according to entomologists Sun, 14 Apr 2024 21:45:55 +0000

wasps, bees
The media sees wasps as pests, and bees as useful pollinators, when wasps perform the same function. Photo: James Wainscoat/Unsplash.
Kerry Taylor-Smith

Kerry Taylor-Smith Meteored UK 5 min

You Media outlets portray wasps as a dangerous and unwanted pestalmost completely ignoring their beneficial effects on pollination and pest control, while their cousins, bees, are highly valued for having similar attributes.

One research carried out with 115 wasp and bee scientists from six continents revealed that information about wasps is much more negative than about their bee cousins ​​and that, as experts in their field, they should do more to reinforce the species’ reputation.

Generate a positive buzz

A study published in the journal Social Insectsled by University College London (UCL), illustrates how Media outlets tend to present wasps as dangerous pests and dedicating few columns to their positive attributes as pollinators and predators that control other pests.

Scientists say they themselves have a important role to play in combating this prejudice against waspsworking with the media to ensure more accurate coverage.

Most people don’t realize how valuable they (wasps) are and simply see them as annoying picnic pests, and negative media stories reinforce these stereotypes.

“With the decline of many insect populations around the world, there is an urgent need to intensify conservation efforts. Given the impact that public support for conservation can have, It is vital that the public recognizes the value of all insects as critical components of the environments in which we live”, explains the study’s lead author, Professor Seirian Sumner from the UCL Center for Biodiversity and Environmental Research.

“You average play an important role in shaping public awarenessin changing attitudes that can contribute to conservation actions, as long as people consider it a species worth protecting”, he said.

Picnic pests

Entomologists were asked about media coverage of the insect under study (wasp). The cohort consisted of 55 wasp scientists from 20 countriesIt is 60 bee scientists as a comparison groupsince insects are somewhat similar and provide parallel benefits.

Almost all scientists in wasps agreed that these were portrayed in a negative or very negative way in the media, while only two interviewees classified the coverage as positive. In comparison, most bee scientists agreed that bees tend to get positive coverage.

O consensus was that media coverage reflected public opinionas most non-scientists generally have positive opinions about bees but negative opinions about wasps.

bees, wasps
The media needs to be more positive about wasps and scientists should help publicize the benefits of these species. Image: Carolien van Oijen/Unsplash.

“To the Wasps play very important roles in ecosystems from all over the world. They are particularly important for agriculture, as pollinate hundreds of plant species and they can be excellent pest controllers (such as aphids and caterpillars) that damage crops. But most people don’t realize how valuable they are and simply see them as annoying pests at picnics, and so negative media stories reinforce these stereotypes,” said lead author Dr. Cintia Oi, also from the Center for Research in UCL Biodiversity and Environment.

Participants agreed that the media is an important vehicle for promoting conversations about the insects they study. Those who worked with the media, including wasp scientists, agreed that the resulting coverage tended to be more positive and that their own contributions have had a positive impact.

“Wasp scientists can change their image in the media by collaborating with journalists to help educate the public about the value of this much maligned insect and, hopefully, to increase support for conservation efforts,” Oi added.

News reference:

Hi CA; Brown, R.L; Sumner, S. Bee-Ing positive about wasp-negative media reporting: the opinions of scientists and their influence on the media. Insectes Sociaux, vol. 71, 2024.

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Research shows that people can change their minds about conspiracy theories | Health Sun, 14 Apr 2024 21:39:39 +0000

Research shows that people can change their minds about conspiracy theories — Photo: Getty Images/BBC

Many people believe in at least one conspiracy theory. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing — conspiracies happen.

To cite just one example, the CIA, the American intelligence agency, actually engaged in illegal experiments in the 1950s to identify drugs and procedures that could result in confessions from captured spies.

However, many conspiracy theories are not supported by evidence but still attract followers.

For example, in a previous study, we found that about 7% of New Zealanders and Australians agreed with the theory that visible contrails behind aircraft are “chemtrails” (“chemical traces”) of chemicals sprayed as part of a secret government program. That although the hypothesis has been widely rejected by the scientific community.

The fact that conspiracy theories attract followers despite a lack of reliable evidence remains a puzzle for researchers in psychology and other departments.

‘Chemtrail’ conspiracies: there is no secret plot, but the belief persists — Photo: Getty Images/BBC

In fact, there has been a large amount of research on conspiracy theories published in recent years. Now we know more about how many people believe themas well as about the psychological and political factors that correlate with this belief.

However, we know much less about how often people change their minds.

Do they do this? Or do they stand firm in their beliefs, regardless of the evidence presented?

From September 11th to Covid-19

We set out to answer this question using longitudinal research. We recruited 498 Australians and New Zealanders using the website Prolific, which invites people to take part in paid surveys.

Every month, from March to September 2021, we present our sample with a questionnaire, including ten conspiracy theoriesand we asked how much they agreed with each of them.

All theories were relating to allegations about events that were ongoing or occurred in this millennium: the September 11 attacks, the launch of 5G telecommunications technology and the covid-19 pandemic, among others.

Although there were definitely people who believed in the theories in our sample, the majority of participants disagreed with each of them.

💊💊💊 most popular conspiracy theory was that “pharmaceutical companies (‘Big Pharma‘) hide the cure for cancer to protect their profits.” About 18% of the sample group agreed when initially asked.

A less popular was the theory that “covid-19 vaccines contain microchips to monitor and control people”. Only 2% agreed.

Belief in conspiracy theories is not increasing

Despite contemporary concerns about a “disinformation pandemic” or “infodemic,” We found no evidence that beliefs in conspiracy theories have increasedon average, over time.

This happened despite our data collection taking place during the tumultuous second year of the Covid-19 pandemic. They were still being imposed lockdowns from time to time in both Australia and New Zealand, and anti-government sentiment was running high.

Although we only followed participants for six months, Other studies conducted over much longer periods have also found little evidence that beliefs in conspiracy theories are increasing..

Research shows that people can change their minds about conspiracy theories — Photo: Getty Images/BBC

Finally, we verify that the beliefs (or disbeliefs) in conspiracy theories were stable — but not completely fixed. Regarding a given theory, the vast majority of participants were “consistently skeptical”, not agreeing with the theory at any point.

There were also some participants who were “consistent believers,” agreeing with every survey point they responded to. For most theories, this was the second largest group.

👉 However, for every conspiracy theory, there was also a small proportion of converts. They disagreed with the theory at the beginning of the study, but agreed with it at the end. In addition to a small proportion of “apostates”, who agreed with the theory at the beginning, but disagreed at the end.

But the percentages of converts and apostates tended to balance each other well, leaving the percentage of those who believed relatively stable over time.

Inside the ‘rabbit hole’

This relative stability is interesting, since One criticism of conspiracy theories is that they may not be “refutable”: What appears to be evidence against a conspiracy theory may simply be dismissed by those who believe it as part of an attempted cover-up.

However, it is evident that people sometimes decide to reject conspiracy theories that they previously believed.

Our findings question the popular notion of the “rabbit hole”according to which people quickly develop beliefs in a succession of conspiracy theories, much like Alice falls into the fantasy world of Wonderland, in Lewis Carroll’s classic.

Although it is possible that this happens to a small number of people, our results suggest that this is not a typical experience.

For most, the journey toward belief in conspiracy theories may involve a more gradual slope—more like a real rabbit hole, from which it is also possible to climb out.

*Matt Williams is a professor of psychology at Massey University in New Zealand.

John Kerr is a researcher at the University of Otago, also in New Zealand.

Mathew Marques is a professor of social psychology at La Trobe University, Australia.

Mathew Ling (Neami National), Stephen Hill (Massey University) and Edward Clarke (Philipps-Universität Marburg) contributed to the research mentioned in this article.

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Will it be possible to grow crops on Mars? This Rover will find out Sun, 14 Apr 2024 21:32:37 +0000

Traveling to Mars has its own challenges. The distance, in itself, makes the trip a kind of mission. But if we get there, the manual work has only just begun. Living and surviving on Mars will be perhaps the biggest challenge for humans. Is it possible to cultivate the lands of Mars? To satisfy this doubt, there is technology on wheels to inspect the red planet!

Do we want to be farmers on Mars?

Let's not have any illusions, getting to Mars will be a huge challenge, and staying there will be something that only works well in science fiction films and series. However, hope is the last to die and there are already those who are preparing for the next day. It is impossible to take everything you need to survive, it is imperative to “live off the land” and produce as much as possible locally.

Thus, a new rover called AgroMars was developed. This machine will be equipped with a series of agriculture-related experiments to study soil composition and assess its suitability for growing food.

Growing food on Mars poses a number of challenges, mainly due to the harsh environmental conditions. Low atmospheric pressure, extreme temperatures and high levels of radiation are some of the most important factors.

To try to solve these problems, new techniques have been developed in the fields of hydroponics and aeroponics. The key to these new techniques involves using nutrient-rich solutions instead of soils.

The Space Station Veggie Facility, here tended by NASA astronaut Scott Tingle, during the VEG-03 investigation into plant growth, which grew extra dwarf Pak Choi, red Russian kale, Wasabi mustard and red lettuce and collected samples in orbit for testing in the land. Credits: NASA

AgroMars: Earth technology on Martian soil

Special structures similar to greenhouses on Earth are built, with artificial lighting and temperature and humidity control. Genetic engineering has also played an important role in developing plants that are more resilient and capable of surviving in harsh Martian environments.

As we continue to explore the Solar System and, in particular, Mars, we will have to find ways to grow food in alien environments.

Enter AgroMars. This is a space mission that takes a rover to Mars to hunt and explore the possibility of establishing agriculture on Mars! The rover will launch with capabilities similar to Perseverance or Curiosity.

The equipment will be launched to Mars by a Falcon 9 launch vehicle operated by SpaceX, but there are still a few years to go. The development phase has not yet started.

In an article by the main author, M. Duarte dos Santos, the mission was shaped, but the reality is still a little far away.

Upon arrival, AgroMars will use an x-ray and infrared spectrometer, high-resolution cameras, pH sensors, mass spectrometers and drilling tools to collect and analyze soil samples. The samples will be evaluated for mineralogical composition, soil texture, soil pH, presence of organic compounds and water retention capacity.

To be able to assess Martian soil, the rover must have advanced capabilities for collecting and analyzing soil samples, more than previously possible. The data will then be sent to laboratories on Earth and it is their responsibility to interpret the information.

The multiplicity of groups involved is an excellent reminder of how science transcends geographic borders. Working together will produce much better results and help advance our knowledge of astrobiology and agriculture on Mars.

In the science fiction film The Martian, astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) attempts to grow potatoes with some success, using human remains on the Martian base as a natural fertilizer.

An investigation worth around 3 billion dollars

But this is not cheap. O Estimated cost of the mission is around 2.7 billion dollarswhich includes the development, launch and exploration of the entire mission.

The total cost of the mission is estimated at around US$2.7 billion, which includes US$2.2 billion for the development and launch of the rover and US$500 million for its exploration throughout the mission.

It is not yet known whether the mission will start, but if we want to explore and even establish a permanent base on Mars, we will have to better understand the environment to feed and sustain future explorers.

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THE LOOKOUT | Dulce Possante has Parkinson’s and found painting a way to deal with the pain Sun, 14 Apr 2024 21:27:08 +0000

The biggest challenge is managing the pain when you get out of bed to face the day. He says that the disease is not the end and proof of this is that he started painting and has already exhibited his works in Samora Correia. MIRANTE was in conversation with Dulce Possante as part of World Parkinson’s Disease Day, which takes place this Thursday, April 11th.

In a joke, Dulce Possante, 60 years old, realized that she didn’t move the fingers on her left hand like she did on her right. She consulted a rheumatologist and was referred to a physiotherapist. As she had had pain in her left foot for three years, the first diagnosis suggested that she had paralysis on the left side of her body. Referred to a neurologist, she was immediately diagnosed with Parkinson’s. The disease is not detected through exams but through movements that are requested from patients.
When he received the news in 2018, at the age of 54, he had no idea what the disease was. She began to receive medication and is still being followed in this specialty at Santa Maria Hospital. “The disease had been with me for many years so it wasn’t a shock. There was a name for the suffering that had accompanied me since I was 15 years old. Generalized pain, tiredness, pain in the foot, throat, spine, depressive tendency and always with a black shadow over it for no apparent reason,” she says.
The first five years of the disease are called “honeymoon” because the physical symptoms are not as pronounced. But in 2020 Dulce Possante fractured her leg and had to undergo four surgeries. In 2021 she broke her ankle and spent more than a month in a cast. Throughout the process, doctors diagnosed fibromyalgia.
With two chronic illnesses, what’s most difficult for him is getting up in the morning because of joint pain. He takes ten tablets a day, including Levodopa, which is used to prevent slow movements, plus an anti-depressant, a stomach protector and a pain pill. “Still I don’t stop. I have a big house, with two floors, plus two children, I take care of everything. I was an insurance intermediary but I didn’t like contact with the public and I left the client portfolio in 2005”, she reveals.

“When I paint I have no pain”
Unexpectedly, the painting appeared after the diagnosis of Parkinson’s, in April 2019. The youngest son went to study in Poland and with free time he bought a canvas and paints. Without knowing anything about painting, paints, brushes and without any type of training Dulce Possante began painting day and night. First on paper blocks and cardboard. She would get up at three and four in the morning, go to the outbuilding in the backyard and start painting.
“When I started painting it gave me extraordinary joy. When I paint I’m not in pain, I’m not cold or hungry. I spend a lot of time there. I only leave when I finish a painting. I always paint with lots of color and express feelings.” Her family didn’t comment because they didn’t know her painting skills, but two friends encouraged her. Then having a painting exhibition under my own name was a leap forward. She exhibited at the Palácio do Infantado gallery, in Samora Correia, in March, and was praised. The paintings, signed with the pseudonym Maria Miguel, were sold at symbolic prices after the exhibition “Parkieart – Parkinson and Eu”. Color predominates on the canvases, giving space for everyone’s imagination.
Dulce Possante drives and insists on going on vacation and sightseeing. The biggest challenge is controlling the pain. She doesn’t shake much but involuntarily she always has one hand moving. She only realizes it when she looks in the mirror. One of the most important aspects of living with Parkinson’s is exercising. That’s why he started following the American group Power for Parkinson, which gives daily live online classes aimed at mobility. She confesses that she is lazy but sometimes gets up at dawn to stretch.

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When career is more important than the truth – Part 1 Sun, 14 Apr 2024 21:23:21 +0000

I don’t need to explain my academic career to anyone because it has always been public, far beyond what is necessary and without consent. Persecutions and attacks inside and outside the “academy”, with extensive media monitoring of internal matters and highly reserved due to the secrecy of “justice”, among others, were the practice. Everything was carried out with the broad support or connivance of all authorities. After all, stifling a dissenting voice from the corrupt system and not evaluating or considering anything that has been said, presented and proven is part of the activities of those who aspire to be, or already are, members of the bestial system that is being formed, intensifying every day. If these agents, bodies of the beast, deeply understood “Ap.19:20” they would have already repented.

However, the worst thing was watching some say that I did all this for personal promotion, as if masochism, annihilation and self-flagellation were my desire. If they knew the meaning of double standards, constantly applied in this case, they would understand the true meaning of Justice. But let’s get to the point, because from the previous subject, the case was presented in detail and highly detailed in all its intricacies and annexes to the greatest of all courts: that of the Justice of God.

In September 2023, in the midst of so much fuss about “droughts”, heat and fires during the dry period that occurred across vast areas of Brazil, where the climate and its distribution of rains is governed by the Intertropical Convergence Zone in the North and in part of the Northeast, the presence of an arm of the semi-permanent anticyclone in the South Atlantic and the arrival, or not, of frontal systems, a subject that has been overlooked, but will be resumed here with excellence, as it always should be.

+ Read more news from the World in West

This is an article published by Patrick T. Brownat the The Free Press, titled “I left out the whole truth to publish my article about climate change.” According to his resume, Brown has a Ph.D. in Earth and climate sciences from Duke University, a master’s degree from San Jose State in meteorology and climate science, and a bachelor’s degree in atmospheric and oceanic sciences from the University of Wisconsin. He has worked on research at the Carnegie Institution, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the NASAthe United States aerospace agency.

Brown is an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University in the energy and climate policy program. He is currently co-director of climate and energy at the private center The Breakthrough Institute. Within the heating spectrum versus skeptics, he is clearly part of the first group, putting his total faith that “climate change” exists due to humanity. Therefore, we have already made it clear that this is one of the assumed members of the “people over there”.

The case of Professor Brown

With the introductions done, let’s move on to the text. Brown adds in the subtitle that he published his article in Nature (oh, the scientific magazine!) because he stuck to the “narrative” that he knew the editors would like and warned that science shouldn’t work like that. The reader already knows how much we have shown that the editorials of vehicles like this are completely declared against scientists from the skeptic group, labeling them “denialists”, a joking title given by the hoaxers, among other unpronounceable adjectives and qualifiers. This is very bad for a publication (and others) that claims to be scientific, considering that climatology, in addition to not being defined, has not yet offered us any evidence of contemporary climate “postulates”, but, precisely the opposite, has brought strong evidence that they are wrong.

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Brown begins his text by focusing on 2023 headlines from various media, such as The New York Times, Bloomberg, PBS News Hour, among others, which reported that forest fires and the smoke derived from them were increasing because of “climate change”. However, considering himself as a climate scientist, Brown reports that, by no means, human climate change, in his “warmingist” view, we emphasize, would be the main factor in a supposed increase in outbreaks, questioning what would motivate the press to highlight this so vehemently during that period.

He then asked that the reason should be the same as his for having been part of the plot that “rewards those who tell it”, showing that his prize was the publication of his article to count points for his career, considering that the system in force, commanded by companies like Google, elects the Nature as a highly prestigious magazine.

In his own words:

“The paper I just published — ‘Climate Warming Increases California’s Extreme Daily Wildfire Growth Risk’ — focuses exclusively on how climate change has affected extreme wildfire behavior. I knew I shouldn’t try to quantify other key aspects besides climate change in my research because that would dilute the story that prestigious journals like Nature and its rival, Sciencethey want to tell.”

Image of planet Earth in its full state, with no signs of global warmingImage of planet Earth in its full state, with no signs of global warming
‘However, considering himself a climate scientist, Brown reports that, by far, human climate change, in his ‘warmingist’ view, we emphasize, would be the main factor in a supposed increase in outbreaks’ | Photo: Reproduction/PXHere

This is the big problem today that has simply ruined science. It uses corrupt metrics that measure someone’s “scientific level” by the magazine they publish and not by the merit of the theme or subject, including the great relevance it may have for the true maturation of scientific knowledge or the resolution or understanding of problems in the explore the unknown of the natural world.

Read also: “Global warming? Capital of Norway records historic cold”

Science has simply become a bureaucracy, disguised as “doing science” and, like all bureaucracy, it exercises control. Thus, as absurd as it may seem, an entity external to a research institution, called private “journals”, governed by metrics from another external entity that is also private, are the ones who say what can or cannot be said by the researcher himself and its institution, most of the time, public. This is because we haven’t even addressed the topic of financing. Brown also reports this:

“(…) It is extremely important that scientists are publishing in high-level journals; in many ways, they are the guardians of professional success in academia. And the editors of these magazines made it very clear, both for what they publish and for what they rejectwho want climate articles that support certain pre-approved narrativeseven when these narratives come at the expense of broader knowledge for society.” (Our emphasis)

Here it becomes clear that the innovative concept of “academic production” was created to precisely limit dissenters and not to identify those who do nothing. Furthermore, science is not a factory to have production. The concept is pathetic!

So, guiding what will or will not be published means guiding the beginning of the process. It is the height of absurdity! Research is financed with public money and carried out simply with the aim of being published to enhance the career of any individual who admits to being included as an accomplice in this corrupt process. Science is over for science’s sake. It’s science for the prize, even better, with fat taxpayer salaries. Meanwhile, they create falsely scientific favors to the narrative that will cause drastic consequences in the future, both for the production of society and for the existence of humanity itself. The consequence of this complicity, as warned at the beginning, is to be a collaborator, no longer just with a bankrupt science, nor with nefarious geopolitical links, but actively as an agent of legitimizing the destruction of humanity, with all the weight this carries.

“Science” versus true

Having made this observation, let’s look at another bombastic and almost confessional point from Brown that addresses the diligence of instant success, much sought after today. As he received his doctorate relatively recently, in 2016, he highlights the importance of obtaining a “high prestige” publication at the beginning of your career, being almost essential to obtaining honors instead of ruin. “As for why I followed the formula despite my criticisms, the answer is simple: I wanted the research to be published in the most visible place possible.”

Read also: “Philosopher defends ‘slowing down’ science”

Can this point identify the formula for achieving academic success quickly and safely? Clearly yes, because framing the research in such a way that the false reality of “climate change” is understood in isolation as a precursor to anything. It is the norm for publishing in magazines described as “high prestige”. Brown reports:

“That’s how it works. The first thing a cunning climate researcher What you know is that your work must support the dominant narrative – namely, that the effects of climate change are both widespread and catastrophic and that the main way to deal with them is not by employing practical adaptation measures like stronger and more resilient infrastructure, better zoning and building codes, more air conditioning – or in the case of wildfires, better forest management or underground power lines – but through policies like the Inflation Reduction Act, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.” (Our emphasis)

In addition to exposing the false success formula, Brown reports something that skeptical scientists have long drawn attention to. The general issues surrounding “climate change”, as anything can and will be attributed as its consequence and vice versa, reversing the cart before the horse. Even better if the narrative is overwhelming, catastrophic, destructive and lethal. What also catches our attention is the fact that he highlights the cunning necessary for this success. This is why it has never been a surprise to see interviews with climate “researchers”, especially the “renowned” ones here in Brazil, highlighting that they saw an opportunity in their careers and went that way. It wasn’t a genuine opportunity, it was opportunism!

Read also: “WHO director blames global warming for explosion of dengue cases in Brazil”

We will not exhaust the subject in this article, because some notable points require broader discussion, which will be carried out in the next block, especially with regard to the positioning of scientific journals in the face of issues like this and the terrible example of this success formula for so-called “young scientists”, especially when ambition is rooted in their souls.

In any case, it is becoming increasingly clear to society as a whole that “climate change” driven by “global warming” drives a trillion-dollar industry across the world. With figures in this house, narratives are bought, governments are bought, society is destroyed, humanity is destroyed.

Read also: “Amazonia in flames”, report by Anderson Scardoelli published in Edition 211 of Revista Oeste

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Scientists describe how the Earth will ‘end’ – Executive Digest Sun, 14 Apr 2024 21:19:17 +0000

The end of the world will come, but what will that be like? A new study by scientists at the University of Warwick, in the United Kingdom, has shown that the disappearance of the Earth could be even more violent and chaotic than previously thought. According to projections, our planet will be swallowed by our expanding Sun. At the same time, other planets in the solar system will be “crushed and reduced to dust”.

However, don’t worry, you can book your next summer vacation: according to scientists, this event will probably only happen for about 6 billion years.

Stars like our Sun generate light and heat by transforming hydrogen atoms into helium under the enormous forces of gravity. However, all stars only have a limited amount of hydrogen, and when it starts to run out, the forces keeping the star stable become unbalanced.

Starting in about five billion years, our Sun will burn hydrogen in its core, before growing to 200 times its original size when it begins burning helium in its outer layers.

There are massive stars that explode in supernovae as they collapse, our star is small enough to simply die as it consumes the last of its nuclear fuel. When it does, it will leave behind a white dwarf, an ultra-dense remnant of the Sun’s core, which will glow with residual heat as it cools.

These stellar cores can be as massive as the Sun but no larger than the Earth, giving them an extremely powerful gravitational field. According to scientists, the transformation of the sun – six billion years from now – the gravitational pull will be so strong that some asteroids and even Jupiter’s moons will be turned into dust.

“The sad news is that the Earth will probably be swallowed by an expanding Sun, before becoming a white dwarf,” explained Boris Gaensicke, responsible for the study.

However, little is known about what will happen to the rest of the solar system when the Sun returns to being a white dwarf. In their study, researchers examined the brightness of three different white dwarf stars over 17 years.

By observing how the brightness increased and decreased, scientists were able to determine when objects passed in front of the Sun and what type of objects they were. For most stars, changes in brightness, or transits, are highly predictable as the planets orbit in their regular pattern.

But around white dwarf stars, researchers found that transits were highly chaotic and irregular, suggesting that the fate of bodies surrounding white dwarf stars is likely to be catastrophic and violent.

And what is the definition of violence in this case? Planets, asteroids and moons that approach the dense core of a white dwarf are torn apart as they are pulled by gravity – eventually they can turn to dust as they collide with each other.

This dust continues to orbit the dead star until it eventually disperses into the universe. “For the rest of the solar system, some of the asteroids located between Mars and Jupiter, and perhaps some of Jupiter’s moons, may be dislodged and travel close enough to the eventual white dwarf to undergo the destruction process we have been investigating.”

The researchers found similar destructive moments in the history of the stars they studied, with one star suffering a “major catastrophic event” in 2010. However, the unpredictable nature of white dwarf systems has made them difficult to study. “The unpredictable nature of these transits can drive astronomers crazy – one minute they are there, the next minute they are gone. And this points to the chaotic environment in which they find themselves.”

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The 9 best APPs with commonly used AI Sun, 14 Apr 2024 21:11:09 +0000

Users: 137

If you are a student, work, are an investor or have an electric car, then these best AI APPs are for you.

We all use smartphones, we all have several APPs installed on these devices that we carry everywhere. With Artificial Intelligence gaining a name, and with a lot of potential and investment in the mix, there are now several applications that present AI as their trump card. Yes, the most famous is chatGPT, but there are several that could make sense for you, whether you are a student, worker, investor, among many other things. Here is our list of recommendations!


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© rafapress via Shutterstock, ID 2331315135

The first of the AI ​​APPs that we recommend is Youper, an application that, with the help of artificial intelligence, aims to help you improve your mental health. With algorithms tested and defined by psychologists, doctors and psychiatrists, Youper can help you reduce your levels of stress, anxiety or depression. Increasingly famous and with very interesting results, it’s worth trying. Youper is a paid app from


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© IgorGolovniov via Shutterstock, 1833240157

Are you a student? This one is for you. Socratic is a brilliant APP created by Google. If you need to learn mathematics, physics, biology, among many other topics, Socratic is ideal for you. Able to read from photos, analyze the questions or problems you need help with, find the answer and explain step by step how to get to the final result. It’s fantastic and in the video at the end of this article you can see how it works and how fast it is! Socratic is completely free.


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Obviously chatGPT could not be missing from our list. The APP that changed everything last year “serves everything and a pair of boots”. Do you need to research, write something, summarize a text, translate or simply talk about a topic and learn something new? Then this APP is for you and it’s not even worth explaining further, because you probably already use it a lot!


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© Tada Images via Shutterstock, ID 2106539297

We return to images, but now not to perfect, but to create with your ideas. Starryai is an excellent APP that takes your requests and creates images in a multitude of different styles. The idea is simple, you just have to write what you want, choose the style and wait a while to receive 4 images of your order. Whether it’s for professionals, or for a game or event we’re doing, this will come in handy! Starryai has a free version for up to 5 orders per day. The paid version is $12 per month.

© T. Schneider via Shutterstock, ID 2411266829

Is your life spent in meetings? Then is what you need. This APP can analyze meetings, summarize, take notes, indicate key points and next steps that have been defined, among many other things. Do you want a summary of a one-hour meeting in a text that you can read in a minute? You have the solution here. has a free version that transcribes up to 300 minutes per month in calls up to 30 minutes long, with paid versions starting at $10 per month.


© dennizn via Shutterstock, ID 1265985457

But if your life is spent writing emails in English, doing work in English, among other things where you really need to write in good English, then Grammarly is the help you might need. Capable of analyzing your content and improving the grammar, this APP makes you a fluent writer in English, with more improved and error-free writing. Grammarly has a free version for basic corrections and a version for $12 per month.

You were curious about these APPs, so in the video you can see below, we explore a little more what you can do with each of them and we believe that in the end, you will probably have installed one on your smartphone.


Did you already know some of these AI APPs?

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